
The 5 Best Free Sims Notion Templates

Notion is by far my favorite app to keep track of my Sims, out of the box can be a little intimidating though. There’s a bit of a learning curve to understand how the app works and really make the most of it’s formulas and databases.

Thankfully you can use templates to skip the dreaded blank page and building phase. Notion is slowly but surely gaining popularity in the Sims community, so we now have a growing selection of templates designed for Simmers to choose from.

The SimGuardian is the ultimate all-in-one Notion system to keep track of your Sims but if you prefer a free alternative, here’s a list of the my favorite free Notion templates designed for Simmers.

Backstory Creator by Yellow Llama Co.

Ever wondered who your Sim was before you conjured them up in CAS? My Backstory Creator Notion template helps you create origin stories for your pixel people with the help of Enneagram personality and Tarot card prompts – so your Sims feel real right from the start. And if you’re in a rush, you can use the backstory AI prompt to create a backstory in a jiffy. The template also includes a character library with simple profiles where you can keep track of their stories.

  • Includes 3-step system with prompts to create backstories
  • Pre-filled with Enneagram personality types and Tarot cards
  • Character library with simple profiles
  • Easy to navigate
  • Tracks just a collection of Sims and backstories, nothing more

Sims 4 Save File Tracker by NotAlouette

Building your own custom save file is a lot of work, especially a decade after release with a whopping 25+ worlds to fill! While Notion can’t take away the work of creating households, building lots and putting it all together, NotAlouette’s Sims 4 Save File Tracker can help you stay organized and keep track of your progress.

All of the lot information for every world is neatly organized making it easy to keep an overview of which lots are built, occupied or still need a little work. A stats tracker is also built in so you always know your current progress.

  • Pre-filled with lot information from each world
  • Perfect for setting up a custom save file
  • Includes a stats tracker
  • Tracks just a collection of lots, Sims and households for one save file, nothing more

Sims Story Board by Dumplin Siims

If you are Sims storyteller and aesthetics are important to you, then the Sims Story Board Notion template by Dumplin Siims may be just what you’re looking for. Its simple setup makes it approachable and great for Simmers new to Notion. The template is particularly useful for planning a storyline and cast of characters, for example for a Let’s Play.

  • Straightforward and cute layout
  • Great for Notion newcomers
  • Useful for storytellers
  • Almost too simple – doesn’t use databases at all
  • Challenge tracker is just a checklist on a page and not connected to Sims, etc.
  • Tracks just a collection of Sims, screenshots and one story, nothing more

Challenge Trackers by Rosannatxt

Sims challenges are a lot of fun but it can be overwhelming to keep track of all the rules and goals. It’s nearly impossible to make it to the end without some form of organization. Rosannatxt has created templates for various Sims challenges to help you stay on track.

Each template is easy to navigate with a dashboard and cards for each generation. They are pre-filled with each challenge’s goals and rules so you can immediately start using them. Once you start checking off goals, a progress bar automatically shows how much is left to go. It’s very satisfying to see it fill up as you make progress!

  • Clean layout
  • Pre-filled with challenge rules and goals
  • Includes a visual progress tracker
  • Easy to customize for a different challenge if you are a little Notion-savvy
  • If you aren’t Notion-savvy and Rosanna hasn’t created a template for your favorite challenge yet, you need to wait for her to do so
  • Each template tracks just one challenge, nothing more

Ultimate Sims 2 Notion Template by SkittlesSims

Probably my absolute favorite of the bunch is the Ultimate Sims 2 Notion template by SkittlesSims. It’s absolutely MASSIVE with databases pre-filled with Sims, households and lots from Pleasantview. It even includes space to track your notes and a bunch of useful resources for The Sims 2.

Apart from my SimGuardian, I think its one of the most comprehensive Notion templates designed for Simmers, hands down. There’s no doubt a lot of work went into building it and filling it with so much Sims 2 data.

  • Pre-filled with Sims, households and lots from Pleasantview (The Sims 2)
  • Includes notes and resources tracker
  • Rotational gameplay management
  • Designed just for The Sims 2
  • Can be overwhelming to navigate
  • Tracks households, lots, Sims and hoods but nothing more

The cost of a free template

Free templates are a great starting point, though once you started using them you realize something is missing. Even if a template is free, it still comes at a cost. The cost of free Sims Notion templates are the compromises you have to make.

For one, free Notion templates are only as good as the expertise behind them. A lot of free templates don’t make the most of Notion’s databases or even touch on the power of formulas. In that case, the free template is just as good as collecting your story in any basic note-taking app.

Free Sims Notion templates are also usually focused on tracking one thing – for example just one challenge, one story or a collection builds in one save file. Instead of stitching together templates to track only a fraction of what was important to me, I wanted something that could do more, all in one system.

I wanted to be able to keep track of multiple save files, my goals and achievements as a Simmer and manage my rotational gameplay, just to name a few.

I didn’t want to make these compromises and I love to build things, so I spent 9 months creating my dream Notion system to keep track of everything about my Sims. The result is the SimGuardian, the Notion system that tracks essentially everything free templates can and much more. Thanks to connected databases, templates and smart formulas, it’s super easy to fill in and stay on top of your storylines.

And the best part? With the SimGuardian, you can easily keep track of many save files for The Sims 4, The Sims 3 and The Sims 2 without being overwhelmed, because everything is connected and organized in one place.

The SimGuardian is designed to grow with you as new life sim games are released, as new features are added to The Sims 4 and as you continue to play for years to come. Any updates made to the system are included in the price.

The SimGuardian also comes with a companion guide, friendly community and my dedicated support should you ever need help or just want to geek out about Notion and The Sims.

All of this doesn’t come for free, though if you’re a die-hard Simmer, it’s worth it. The SimGuardian makes it so easy to keep track of your Sims without having to make compromises. 😊

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